Wednesday, June 04, 2008


NYTIMES: Monsanto Offers a Plan to Increase Food Supply
Monsanto, the leader in agricultural biotechnology, pledged Wednesday to develop seeds that would double the yields of corn, soybeans and cotton by 2030 and would require 30 percent less water, land and energy to grow.

The announcement, coming as world leaders are meeting in Rome to discuss rising food prices and growing food shortages, appears to be aimed at least in part at winning acceptance of genetically modified crops by showing that they can play a major role in feeding the world.
The food crisis like the oil crisis is partly caused by supply shortages.

The solution is not more government regulations an taxes and repackaged leftist distributions schemes, but INCREASING SUPPLIES.

This is best accomplished by PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, not the government.

This story about Monsanto - like the please of the USA oil executives before Congress - proves our corporations can produce what the market wants and needs IF WE LET THEM.

In the oil/energy world, the USG won't let them. That's one reason oil is so expensive now.

The left -and the Democrat Party they control - likes to blame "Big Business" and Big Oil, but they are the good guys.

94% of the world's crude oil is controlled by STATE RUN enterprises; that's socialism folks - and that's why the oil market is malfunctioning.

To end poverty we need MORE PROSPERITY, not government controlled redistribution.

Private enterprise is the only way to create more prosperity.



  1. "Private enterprise is the only way to create more prosperity."

    Mostly true, except for monopolies and oligarchies. No mention of that at all. Do you know anything about Monsanto?

    Do you know how many free enterprise, extremely hard working farmers they've fucked over?

  2. monopolies can only exist with the assistance of the state.

    it's one reason conservatives want a small state.

    monsanto and walmart have done more to improve the lives on MILLIONS of people arond the world than all the governements and NGO's combined.

    opem your eyes or fuckoff you commie creep.

  3. u don't create wealth/prosperity by robbing peter to pay paul.

    which is socialism.

    and has ruined cuba zimbabwe russia venezuela north korea etc.

    deng xiao ping and reagan and thatcher lifted people out of poverty.

    socialists like fidel and mugabe and kim and the rest increased poverty.

    if you want to help the poor become rich you have to oppose all socialism and redistribution schemes.

    wake up or fuck off.
