Wednesday, June 04, 2008


  • McCain will do well in the south and the West.
  • He'll do well in NH.
  • He could use help in the Mid-Atlantic/Mid-West swing states: Pennsylvania; Ohio; Michigan; Wisconsin; Minnesota; Iowa; and Missouri.

I think Ridge gives him regional appeal across the "rust belt", and more blue-collar appeal generally.

Ridge has a better CV than all others in both parties: Vietnam Veteran, 6 term Congressman, Governor, Secretary of DHS. That's war military/ experience' Congressional experience, and executive experience in the bureaucracy and as Executive in Chief of a MAJOR state.

He is more centrist than McCain on some issues, and more conservative on others.

Though I like Demint the most of ANY of the possibilities, and Romney second, I know think that Ridge offers the most electoral benefits.

I don't think Demint will help outside of the south, and Mitt won't help anywhere except Michigan. (Mitt can become Sec Treas or Chief of Staff in a McCain Administration.)

Many people wrote off Ridge because he came off as a stiff during most of his DHS pressers.

But he is really a good politician and good communicator. Here's a video:

The key is he'd help win PA, OH and Michigan.

To get some military/war experience on the Dem ticket, Obama would have to pick Clark or Webb or Hegel. An they're all stiffs and loons, and loose cannons. If he picked Hillary it would merely accentuate the Dems lack of ANY executive and military experience.

It's the best ticket we can hope for - if we really want to win. I DO.

McCain I hope you're listening!

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