Friday, February 08, 2008


After turning down Kerry's VP offer , McCain wholeheartedly embraced GW Bush, and campaigned his ass off for Dubya; they even hugged in public numerous times.

I think they made a deal: in exchange for McCain's support in 2004, Bush promised he'd do whatever he could BEHIND THE SCENES to help McCain - and the Bush Machine came through in FLORIDA, where McCain essentially clinched the nomination.

McCain and Dubya are both liberals: they both favored amnesty, for example - AND BUSH SIGNED MCCAIN-FEINGOLD. McCain may be tougher on the spending side, and Bush a better tax-cutter. But they're essentially BOTH libs, with McCain being the more liberal of the two.

Anyhow it just seems to me that the GOP machine always wanted McCain and, well er um.... now we got 'em.

Obama and Hilary are worse - though my final decision will come down to who McCain picks.

I have posted before that I think he MUST pick a YOUNG and VERY CONSERVATIVE Southerner. Fred is WAY too old. Demint or Frist or Coburn. Or non-southerner... MITT! (Though I agree with a commenter here, that Mitt would maker GREAT Chairman for the GOP!)

If McCain doesn't pick a true conservative, then I will vote "present" on the presidential line come this Fall.


  1. It really comes down to this;

    With the picks at our disposal

    There will be blood

    Do we want the blood to be on our hands, or theirs?

  2. I don't buy that Bush and McCain had a behind the scenes deal.

    But I do agree with you that I will not be voting for McCain unless he picks a stellar conservative for VP. I really won't vote for him if he picks the Huckster for his VP.
