Friday, January 11, 2008


From this article in the business section of the Washington Post:
Wackenhut, a private security firm that guards 21 commercial nuclear power plants around the United States, said yesterday that its chief executive resigned during continuing controversy about guards caught napping at a Pennsylvania reactor last year.

Gary A. Sanders had been Wackenhut's chairman and chief executive since 2003. Over the past year, Sanders has been engulfed by allegations of lapses in security at nuclear plants...


Wackenhut has already erased from its Web site the biography of Sanders, who had started working for the company in 1981...
What other facilities has Wackenhut, owed by a British security firm, been "guarding"? According to the article,
Wackenhut, based in Miami, has 35,000 employees and does a range of security work that includes guarding libraries, transporting immigration detainees for the Department of Homeland Security, and protecting the government's Y-12 complex at Oak Ridge, Tenn., where nuclear weapons and materials are stored and maintained....
As 9/11 fades into distant memory, such lapses are bound to become more common, thus leaving open the loophole which terrorists are constantly seeking.

Of course, Congress will investigate the above allegations of Wackenhut's lapses. Pardon me if I don't think much of such investigations.

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