Friday, January 11, 2008


Yes, she actually said that.

This is bigotry, folks, plain and simple:

Clinton and her busload of traveling press moved from there to the popular local
Mexican restaurant Lindo Michoacan, where a "roundtable" that was actually
square passed a microphone around to tell her people's concerns about the
mortgage crisis and foreclosures. She took notes and munched on tortilla chips.

In broken English, one woman told Clinton how she wasn't making money as
a broker anymore.

"I have no income at all," she said. "So how will I

Choking up with emotion, the woman said, "In my neighborhood,
there are brand-new homes, but the value is nothing. I'm glad you are here so I
can tell you, because you're going to be the president, I know."

A man
shouted through an opening in the wall that his wife was illegal.

woman is illegal," Clinton said, to cheers.
For Hilary Clinton, women hold a elevated place in the moral universe. Rules which apply to men do not apply to women. There are sins a woman can not commit, because the "thou shalt" does not apply to her. She is not to be held accountable.

Women are not to be held accountable to certain laws.

So, the question is, to whom does Hilary direct her bigotry? To men, who are not allowed to commit certain acts which women are allowed to commit? Ot to women, who are judged by Hilary to be unaccountable to our collective moral paradigm?

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