Sunday, November 18, 2007

Is Australia about to dump a great PM while the nation is thriving?

John Howard is trailing in the polls, but inching closer - "One week from the November 24 election, a Galaxy poll of 4,000 voters found the conservative prime minister had narrowed Rudd's lead... "; however, the election is only five days away - there might not be enough time.

[BTW: The headline from the news item cited above is VERY negative on Howard - despite the FACT that the news is that Howard is narrowing the gap. THE ANTI-CONSERVATIVE SPIN IS NOT SURPRISING: IT'S THE MSM, AFTER ALL!]

Kevin Rudd is the watermelon Leftist challenger: green on the outside and pink in the middle. (YES: the imaginary AGW issue is a major concern of the DUPED electorate, and Rudd and the MSM are exploiting this fear ruthlessly. We can expect the same NEXT SUMMER and through the election!)

I'm rooting for Howard; he's been a GREAT ally on WW4, and I don't think we can count on Rudd.

Here's a sample of what a dumb-ass phony he is:
Rudd is already talking of his first acts when he takes office, while still warning his lead is much narrower than polls depict, and that the final count could go down to the wire.
Idiot: He can't even send out a simple consistent message about his campaign; how in the world will he manage the government effectively!? HE WON'T.

What's so amazingly weird is that he's leading at all. SURE: PEOPLE HAVE HOWARD FATIGUE.

But Australia is doing great.

They shouldn't change horses in the middle of the stream.

Certainly not to get off a time-tested/battle-tested thoroughbred to get on an old nag.


ADDENDUM: Rudd picks his ear and eats the earwax in public:

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