Sunday, November 18, 2007


You probably thought that Joe Wilson & Valerie Plame were the very model of an anti-American couple, he a career State Department official and she a CIA bureaucrat.

Well, here's an even worse example of the way our own government is chock full of America-hating spies. We reported on the Hezbollah mole who infiltrated the FBI and CIA in an earlier post.

Now it turns out that her husband is a State Department bureaucrat. As reported by the newspaper of record, the New York Post - (HAT TIP JIHAD WATCH):
FBI fraudster Nada Nadim Prouty not only used a sham marriage to get jobs with access to secret terrorist intelligence - her current husband is a State Department employee who has held sensitive posts in Middle Eastern embassies, The Post has learned.

Her third hubby, Gordon Prouty, 40, now works for the State Department in Washington, a spokesman confirmed Friday night. He had been stationed at American embassies in Egypt and Pakistan.

A Justice Department spokesman, Dean Boyd, refused to comment on Gordon Prouty's job, or say whether he was under investigation along with his criminal wife. [Emphasis added.]

There appears to be no publicly available picture of Gordon Prouty at this time. Perhaps someone will post his mug shot soon, but that is doubtful.

Where is Senator Joe McCarthy, now that we really need him -- again!

1 comment:

  1. the state department and the fbi and the cia are LOADED WITH TRAITORS AND SPIES AND MOLES.

    btw: found this:

    Thursday, February 18, 1999 12:00 AM PST
    Recommend this story?
    Please Wait...
    Letter of the Month

    I am disappointed with 3Com's U.S. Robotics 56K Voice Faxmodem Pro and with the company's response to my pleas for help. I paid $200 for the modem because the company promised a "limited lifetime warranty." But nothing in the warranty states that I have to use the modem in the U.S. I can't find a statement in the documentation or on the box that says the modem is geographically limited. But it does say "world," "worldwide," "international," or "global" 12 times on the box.

    Gordon Prouty, Cairo, Egypt
