Monday, September 24, 2007


Ahmadinejad: "We don't have any homosexuals in Iran..."

Well, gee, could that be because you are executing them all?

Oh, and he also questioned the "true cause" of 9/11 and questioned the Holocaust again... Damn, this guy is batting 1.000 for his visit:
  • He parrots the DNC talking points on 60 Minutes
  • He throws in with the 9/11 "truthers"
  • He denies the existence of homosexuals in Iran
  • He defends the Holocaust deniers
  • He denies journalists have been sentenced to death in Iran
  • He says that no where are women "freer" than in Iran
That's quite a mouthful. Allah has video... Bollinger suprised me with his direct confrontation of the mass killer; but why won't he confront his own Dean that invited this joker in the first place?

(Frankly I was not overly happy with the President's quote in that last story, but I can live with it because Bush will probably soon make his actions speak a lot louder than those words....)

UPDATE: Uncle Jimbo weighs in.

1 comment:

  1. it's important to remember that ahmadinejad is only a figurehead for the mullahs and ayatollah who are the real dictators.

    the problem is not ahmadinejad but this gang of tyrants.

    the problem will not disappear until there is regime change in iran and until their hideous ideology is erased from the earth and for all time.
