Monday, September 24, 2007


During a question and answer session, Ahmadinejad appeared tense and unsmiling, in contrast to more relaxed interviews and appearances earlier in the day.

In response to one audience, Ahmadinejad denied he was questioning the existence of the Holocaust: "Granted this happened, what does it have to do with the Palestinian people?"
Why is it that the Palestinian people are paying the price for an event they had nothing to do with?
He said Palestinians were paying for the Holocaust with the violence in the Middle East...
Ahmadinejad's line of attack in this case reverted to the one in which he MIGHT deign to admit that genocide against Jews MIGHT have occurred in EUROPE, but that this event does not justify the existence of an artificial and "colonialistic" Jewish state which exists at the detriment of so-called "Palestinian" Arabs.

This attack on Israel is RIDICULOUS and flies in the face of historical facts:

FACT: Jews have CONTINUOUSLY lived in the geographical region comprising Israel and Gaza and the West Bank. At the time Mark Twain went there - and as documented in his account and in the era's editions of Baedeker's - the Holy Land was MOSTLY populated by Jews. The Arabs in the region were nomadic Bedouins and did not outnumber the Jews. Jews were the largest segment of Jerusalem's population.

FACT: Zionism as a modern movement began in the 19th century - and that too was before WW2 and the Holocaust.

FACT: The idea of RE-establishing - EMPHASIS ON "RE-" - a Jewish state in the Holy Land PREDATES WW2 and the Holocaust. IT WAS NOT A RESPONSE TO THE HOLOCAUST. The Balfour Declaration declared that the UK would create a Jewish state in the region once ruled by the Ottoman Empire.

FACT: Before the British Empire assumed LEGAL dominion over the Holy Land it was NOT Arab ruled; it was ruled by TURKS - THE OTTOMANS. The British dominion over Palestine was legal and internationally approved. At the time, ONLY Jews called themselves Palestinians; Arabs called themselves ARABS, and believed they were part of the UMMAH, the transnational Arab "nation" and not of any particular nation.

FACT: The original Balfour Declaration would have given the Jews ALL of British Palestine - and area which includes - REPEAT - INCLUDES ALL OF WHAT IS TODAY CALLED JORDAN. After WW2, Jews were then offered a tiny part of eastern Palestine. They accepted it anyway. The Arabs refused to accept it.

FACT: The Jews fought a war of INDEPENDENCE against the British Empire and Arabs and WON. They captured more land in this war then the POST-WW2 British had offered them. Like the international borders of most nations, Israel's borders were the result of war's won; the original borders were established by victory in war in 1949. The borders expanded after Israeli victories in subsequent wars by "neighboring" Arab nations. Israel's current borders - LIKE MOST EVERY NATION IN THE WORLD - are a result of its victories in wars.

Even Ahamdinejad's less disgusting position (that a supposed European Holocaust perhaps occurred but that it still doesn't "justify" Israel's existence) IS WRONG ON THE FACTS, AND IT HOLDS ISRAEL TO A DIFFERENT SET OF STANDARDS THAN EVERY OTHER NATION IS HELD TO.

When Jews or Israelis are held to a different set of standards than everyone else IT IS ANTI-SEMITIC. And wrong. And immoral.

All Arabs in Gaza, the West Bank and the rest of the world need to do to improve their lives and end their suffering is to cast off the shackles if Jihad and join the modern world in democracy and pluralism.

Then they can live in peace and prosperity and with dignity - like the Arab citizens of Israel, the freest Arabs in the world.

1949 Armistice Agreements

In 1949, Israel signed separate armistices with Egypt on 24 February, Lebanon on 23 March, Transjordan on 3 April, and Syria on 20 July. The new borders of Israel, as set by the agreements, encompassed about 78% of mandatory Palestine as it stood after the independence of Jordan in 1946.

Considering the original British mandate (including Jordan, which was included within the Mandate in the summer of 1921, but excluded from the provisions for a Jewish National Home), however, Israel was created only on 18% of the total area of Palestine and Transjordan.

This was about 50 percent more than the UN partition proposal allotted it.

These cease-fire lines were known afterwards as the "Green Line". The Gaza Strip and the West Bank were occupied by Egypt and Transjordan respectively."

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