Thursday, August 09, 2007


This proves once again that anyone who thinks that Fatah is any better than Hamas is wrong:
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's plans to bolster Fatah may experience a grave setback in light of Hamas and Fatah's renewal of secret talks aimed at repairing relations. Olmert has been attempting to bolster Fatah's position and isolate Hamas, a militant group whose primary goal is to destroy Israel.

"The talks are being held at a low-level," a Fatah official told the Jerusalem Post. "It's premature to talk about a breakthrough, but at least we are talking again."

Olmert said on Tuesday that he does not have information about the talks, according to sources in the prime minister's office. However during his meeting with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Monday, Olmert said that the renewal of Fatah-Hamas talks could have harsh "diplomatic ramifications," underscoring his opposition to a united Palestinian government. Abbas vowed not to renew contact with the militant group.

A Hamas-Fatah reuinification could undermine all diplomatic progress achieved so far between Olmert and Abbas.
But it's really because Abbas doesn't want any "progress", that's all. He says the Hamas takeover of the Gaza strip is "destructive", but that does not prove that he's against their existence at all.

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