Thursday, August 09, 2007

AGW MEETS NIMBY - some hilarious leftist hypocrisy on AGW


BOTTOM-LINE: If these leftists on Nantucket were really convinced that the life on earth is in the balance, then they wouldn't be against ANY measure which reduces our "carbon footprint" - even the ones in their backyards.

In fact, they'd be rushing to build them in their backyards so they could be EXAMPLES TO US ALL. You know... LEAD!?

But AGW is merely BS. Just more PC BS. AGW IS PC BS. And I wish all the AGW nuts would just SFTU.



  1. Love the part zany dingbat unique airhead Robt. Kennedy Jr. plays between snorts and tokes from his bong. Here he's transited from heroin to crystal meth!

    Those facial tics and Tourette's Syndrome fake moves betray a tortured soul---plus his body seems tormented too!

  2. hypocrisy does that to your soul...
