Saturday, September 01, 2007


This summer appears to have been the wettest since rainfall records began in 1914, according to provisional data from the UK Meteorological Office. Britain had 358.5mm of rain, just beating the 1956 record of 358.4mm. The main reason for the high rainfall has been the unusually southerly position of the jet stream, a band of strong winds high in the atmosphere.

Following earlier floods in central and southern England, five areas of the country are still on flood alert. ... The record rainfall was driven by conditions in England, where the downpour surpassed all other recorded years by a substantial margin. The record years for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales respectively remain 1958, 1985 and 1927. The figures are preliminary and may be revised at a later date. ...

"These figures confirm what most people have already been thinking - this summer has been very wet and very disappointing for most," said Keith Groves, the Met Office's head of forecasting.

While it has been wet, the summer has been distinctly average in terms of temperature. ... June, July and August saw a mean temperature of 14.1C, almost exactly the average for summers since the 1970s.
Hmmmmmmmmm... mean temperatures EXACTLY the average since the 1970's - nearly forty years... during which time there's a lot more man-made CO2 in the atmosphere... If CO2 CAUSED Global Warming then this would not be the case; the summers would be getting warmer... they are not. END OF STORY.

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