Wednesday, August 29, 2007


In a followup to this previous post, an Israeli think-tank has spoken out against the British government for letting Hamas operate freely in their country:
Just a short time after former British prime minister Tony Blair assumed the role of Middle East envoy, The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Herzelia, Israel, considered to be the "public face of Israeli intelligence," issued a scathing report in which it accused Britain of being a "major source of publishing and distribution of Hamas incitement."

It condemned the British government for not stopping "the distribution of hateful propaganda against Israel and the West and publications glorifying suicide terrorism," adding that "British authorities have yet to take effective action to put an end to the exploitation of their country by Hamas for spreading incitement? that could strike a chord not only with Palestinian or Arab/Muslim target audiences worldwide but also with the Muslim community in Britain itself."
I just don't see it changing anytime soon, and I don't see any reason [for Israel] to maintain political relations with Britain's government.

Reliapundit adds: Maybe Israel can recall its Ambassador for a few weeks, in protest. After all, the UK does sell the IDF a lot of weaponry she needs; (while canceling 1/3rd of the sales for idiotic reasons).

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