Wednesday, August 29, 2007


From ABC News (via Drudge):
Edwards: Americans Should Sacrifice Their SUV's

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards told a labor group he would ask Americans to make a big sacrifice: their sport utility vehicles.

The former North Carolina senator told a forum by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, yesterday he thinks Americans are willing to sacrifice.

Edwards says Americans should be asked to drive more fuel efficient vehicles. He says he would ask them to give up SUVs.
Reliapundit adds: What has he EVER sacrificed? He's nothing but a leftist hypocrite. And a would-be dictator. If there were no SUV's on the road we'd reduce gas consumption by about 2%. THIS IS NOTHING.

If rich folks like him gave up their 2nd and 3rd homes and their AC we'd save MORE. And how about him giving up JETS. We know his wife would give up fruit.

THESE HYPOCRITICAL LEFTISTS ALWAYS SEEM TO WANT US TO SACRIFICE. FOR THE COMMON GOOD: higher taxes - for the common good; a draft - for the common good; nationalization of industry - for the common good.

I'd like leftists to STFU - for the common good.

This policy put forward by Edwards is typical leftist thinking: They are bossy utopianists. And hypocrites. Don't fall for it.

UPDATE: An hour after this was first posted VDH weighs in - nearly exactly echoing TAB:

SUVs Again [Victor Davis Hanson]

Doesn't John Edwards know that the one taboo subject for elite Democratic candidates-is the SUV? We all know that they like them for themselves and hate them for others, and somewhere tucked in the their multi-door garages one sits hidden behind the Priuses.

John Kerry, once upon a time, got into trouble, saying he was against them before he owned (more than one of) them. And now Edwards apparently wants everyone to give them up. There's an argument to be made that they guzzle too much fuel and should, and must, be made more efficient—the market is already doing that—but the logical question then follows:

Can't Americans give up their 30,000 sq.ft homes, or private jet rides, as some small token of their commitment to energy efficiency?

1 comment:

  1. I found an awesome cartoon to go with this post:
