Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Blair has announced he intends to "talk tough" to Putin regarding the assassination of Litvinenko.

Putin announced the subject is off limits.

Well.... if Litvinenko was really involved in a Polonium smuggling scheme - and died accidentally (as AJ STRATA has ridiculously contended for months), then why wouldn't Putin want to discuss the subject with Blair?

Smuggling Polonium for a nuke or a dirty bomb to be given to Chechens to use against Russia seems to me to be a topic which Putin would be VERY interested in discussing.

But he isn't. Because he KNOWS who did it. He sees the culprit every time he looks in the mirror.

When one also considers that Lugovoi returned to Putin's Russia for treatment, and has been vigorously defended by Putin's FM, one can ONLY conclude it was a Putin-sponsored hit.

Therefore, Putin should be treated with the same respect we give Assad - another "assassinator." Which is to say with NO RESPECT.

We ought to insist on a UNSC sponsored International Tribunal to investigate the Litvinenko assassination and to indict and convict Putin.

1 comment:

  1. You know I was thinking about this very thing when Rush was talking about how Putin was KGB and always will be.
