Tuesday, May 22, 2007


More takedowns of Hamas HQs, and a point is made:
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli airstrikes Tuesday targeted two camps used by the Islamic militant group Hamas, one day after a Palestinian rocket attack killed a woman in southern Israel, and Israeli leaders suggested even the Palestinian premier could be targeted in reprisal strikes.
If we're talking about Abbas, he certainly should be. He was a financier for the massacre at the 1972 Munich olympics.
After Monday's night's deadly rocket strike, Israeli defense officials said the army would step up its attacks on Palestinian militants, warning that Hamas' top leaders, including Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, could be in danger.

"They are just terrorists in suits. This doesn't exonerate him," Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh told Israel Radio. "There is no one in the leading, commanding circle of Hamas who has immunity."
While he may be a leftist, we'll still have to credit Sneh for making a valid point about how both Fatah and Hamas officials are just terrorists in suits, which even Saddam wore when he was still alive and ran his reign of tyranny in Iraq.

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