Monday, April 23, 2007


Punditarian and Reliapundit both expressed outrage over Harry Reid's pessimistic rant on how he thinks we have lost the war in Iraq. Reliapundit pointed out how dangerous this is and how we are winning in Iraq but nobody is reporting it.

Progress is being made in Iraq and a success was being celebrated on the very day that Reid whined that we had lost the war. The diagram on the left shows the progress that has been made in Iraq in the past year.

On April 18th, Maysan was the 4th of Iraq's 18 provinces to be handed over to the Iraqis. Yet, Harry Reid thinks it is more productive to surrender before even giving the surge a chance to work. It is extremely inspiring, isn't it???

Curt named his post, Defeatists Always Whine. I think that about sums it up. I always fall on the side of the optimist so I will continue to root and pray for Iraq and America to succeed. How about you?

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit

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