Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Are many blacks and Muslims people who like to play the hyper-sensitive victim to avoid the truth?

I think the answer might be YES.

I think if Imus had used the term "colored girls" or "negro gals" he'd'a still been toast, even tho' the NAACP (national association for the advancement of COLORED PEOPLE) and the UNCF (the united NEGRO college find) each use the term PROUDLY.

DON'T GET ME WRONG: I think Imus deserved what he got: he ruthlessly picked on fine young ladies of accomplishment. If he had said the same thing about some big-shots, then he wouldn'ta lost his gigs. IOW: he came off as a BULLY because he wasn't picking on people his own size. And Americans don't like bullies.

But my REAL BEEF ain't with Imus; it's with Sharpton and Jackson - the fact that they couldn't accept Imus's apology - even tho' they've each said worse things and been forgiven - proves once again that they are low-life scum.

And then... like I said at the top... I'm really beginning to think that the blacks in the USA have become as hyper-sensitive as the Muslims - who riot over cartoons.

Muslims who expend more energy to condemn cartoons than beheadings send a very powerful message: they tell us that they're inimical to our civilization, dangerous and not to be trusted.

Blacks who expend more energy blaming an over-the-hill white DJ for saying something that gets repeated ad nauseum in the most popular part of their contemporary culture tell us something too.

It tells us that they are in deep denial about how self-destructive their pop sub-culture has become. Blair spoke about this a few weeks back and the blacks in the UK were livid. IOW: they're in denial there, too.

Muslims largely live in a world of their own making: it's impoverished and degrading because of their choices. It is NOT the West's fault or Christianity's fault or Israel's fault. MUSLIMS SHOULD LOOK WITHIN.

And if American blacks don't like terms like "nappy headed whores", then they should look within in, too.

The major reason each group doesn't is ideological and psychological: Islam tells Muslims that they alone have the perfect way, and that all others are inferior and deserve servitude. Islam tells Muslims that their problems are the result of cultural corruption and hegemony from the West.

Well, Afghanistan turned further away from the West - in deeper into fundamentalist Islam - than any other Muslim nation. And it was a freakin' hell-hole as a direct result. IT WAS NOT BECAUSE OF ISRAEL OR DUE TO THE ISRAEL LOBBY. IT WAS RADICAL ISLAM WHAT DONE IT.

But the Muslims still blame us.

Likewise, if many blacks continue to remain on the outside of power-structures in the USA, it's because they perpetuate their own self-alienation by empowering a degrading sub-culture. (Bill Cosby has said this, too.)

These sub-cultures have a powerful enabler: Postmodern Leftism - which hates the West and LOVES VICTIMHOOD - has empowered the most negative sub-cultures in Islam and the American black community by promoting idea that the path to a better life will come through demolishing and punishing the Judeo-Christian West and free markets, capitalism, industrialism, and globalization, (despite the fact that these things have actually done more to improve living standards that anything else in all of human history).

The truth is hard for Muslims and Leftist and rappin'/hip-hoppin Sharptonesque blacks to accept: they are the source of most of their own problems. It's easier to blame infidels, neocons, and white racists.

I think black self-degradation is a more negative drag on black achievement than white racism.

AND LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR: blacks have achieved an ENORMOUS amount in many MANY fields since integration. Most of the blacks who have achieved great things have done so within the system, without playing the victim-card. Their achievement is to be admired. They should be leading the effort to rid the black community of blacks who degrade blacks. There are signs they are beginning to do this. I hope it continues.

AND ANOTHER THING: without blacks there would be NO CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN CULTURE. The contribution of blacks to every art, business, sport and industry have been ENORMOUS. There is NO reason for them to be whining or playing the victim. There is EVERY reason for them to be PROUD.

Muslims, on the other hand, have very little to be proud of. Unless you admire kidnappers, and suicide bombers. Sadly... most Muslims in the world do.

The fact that so many Muslims admire the suicide bomber says everything about how they love to play the victim. A SUICIDER WHO MURDERS INNOCENTS IS A MARTYR?!?!? Sheesh.

(More on Palestinian self-destruction HERE.)


  1. Good post - but NAACP stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

  2. oops left out dat woid! will add it!
