Monday, March 26, 2007


Today, as many as 3,000 people went to the destroyed community of Homesh as a show of solidarity for it:
( 3,000 young activists, and some of their families, have arrived at the site of the destroyed Samaria community of Homesh- unfurling an Israeli flag at the site for the first time in a year and a half. Hundreds more are on the way, having reached Shavei Shomron by bus and marching the remaining seven kilometers by foot. The IDF is guarding the marchers, but blocking vehicles from entering the area.

In an abrupt about-face, the security forces - army and police - decided last night (Sunday) that instead of mass arrests, threats to sue for law-enforcement costs, and possible violence, they would enable thousands of "orange" activists to reach Homesh today. They are considering allowing protestors to spend the night there as well.
If they're smart, they'll think to allow them to stay there for as long as they feel like. The destruction of the village of Homesh was one of the most obscene acts pulled by the Sharon government at the time. Now, it's time to mend the mistakes of the past.

Here's also the Jerusalem Post's article.

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