Monday, March 26, 2007


Caught this on Hot Air. Rosie O'Donnell, the new high priestess of all things moonbat, was talking about the British sailors being held hostage by Iran this morning on The View. Rosie wouldn't go into detail, except to offer this little nugget: “I have one thing to say: Gulf of Tonkin. Google it."

For those unfamiliar, the Gulf of Tonkin was a pair of naval attacks on two American destroyers by the Viet Cong in August of 1964. Many today believe that these attacks were either exaggerated or, at worst, completely made up a la Hitler's claim of being attacked by Poland. Nevertheless, it was this incident that allowed LBJ to escalate the war, and we all know how well that worked out for him.

So, Rosie is implying that the UK (and I'm sure George W., he's responsible for everything) purposely provoked the Iranians into this conflict in order to have just cause for going to war with Iran.

As much as I hate to say it, I almost wish Rosie was right. If there were such a conspiracy afoot, that would tell me that the USA and UK were at least planning to strike Iran (something that should have been done 2-3 years ago!) instead of hitching their wagons to the U.N. and the "diplomatic process."

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