Wednesday, March 21, 2007


This is my favorite sign from PROTEST WARRIOR, (hat tip Little Miss Chatterbox).

NEED PROOF? HERE: The March 17, 2007 "anti-war protest" in DC was sponsored by ANSWER.
When we resist jihad, ANSWER calls it "imperialism."

When jihadis use children as decoys so their car-bombs can successfully commit genocide, they call it "resistance."
The Left - wrong about everything:
Vietnam; WW3; the Pershing deployments in Europe; WW4, tax cuts; Welfare Reform, NAFTA; Gun Control; offshore oil-drilling; socialized healthcare; anthropogenic global warming; affirmative action; immigration; gay marriage; "late term" abortion; SDI; NMD; the Patriot Act; the NSA Intercept Program; Gitmo; Rendition; the SWIFT data collection; the Afghan War; the Iraq War; Arafat & The Oslo Accords; and so on and so forth...
If Leftists supported actually attaining good results, then they'd abandon their Leftism and join the Hayekian Revolution. But the Left is more attached to their ideology than any good results. They continue to hold on to their Leftism even though their hideous ideology has ONLY spawned societies with less liberty and fewer rights, AND decreasing prosperity AND increasingly impossible to pay "entitlements." Truly, socialism is the road to serfdom...

Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, Fidel, Mugabe. Kim Il Sung/Kim Jong Il - socialists all. Failures all - except at genocide, blaming the USA, and taking over the bureaucracies, the academy and the MSM.


  1. Glad you liked the signs, I thought they were awesome!!

  2. "The Right" - Proud about their successes in...

    - Vietnam, Watergate, banking deregulation, huge budget deficits, finding WMDs in the Middle East, ignoring WMDs in Korea, swallowing the lies of Big Tobacco, campaigning for global pollution, torture, ignoring due process, ignoring homeland security, ignoring homeland natural disasters, creationism as a science, homosexuality as a crime, women as second-class citizens…

    Boy, it’s easy to go on and on like this, but that wasn’t really the point of the post, was it? Just another sidetrack…
