Thursday, January 25, 2007


You have to give the man credit. The solons said they wanted answers. They asked the questions. He gave them the answers. As reported by "The Hill:"

In response to a question from McCain regarding the effect of such congressional resolutions on troops, Petraeus said, “It would not be a beneficial effect, sir.”

McCain supports sending additional U.S. troops to Iraq, and is at odds with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), another presidential hopeful and member of the Armed Services panel.

When Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), a strong supporter of the Bush administration’s strategy for Iraq, later asked Petraeus whether the resolutions of disapproval would encourage the enemies in Iraq, the officer said: “That’s correct.”

This is a test of will,” he said, adding that as commander he would like “the enemy to feel that there is no hope.” He stressed, however, that he respects freedom of speech and the discussions taking place in Congress. (Umph added.)

You have to give it to The Man. He knows war. He knows leadership. And he is not afraid to tell the defeatist appeasers in the Senate that their efforts are propping up the enemy. If David Petraeus (Brooklyn native, USMA graduate, Princeton PhD, Ranger) fights as well as he talks, he just may be this war's Ulysses Grant.

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