Thursday, January 25, 2007


In Australia, John Howard and some other government officials are taking a strong stand against the propaganda being spread in Islamic youth centers. According to this January 24, 2007 article:
The Australian government, whose leaders have invited Muslims who believe religious law should trump the nation's secular constitution to leave, now has launched an investigation into recordings of messages urging Muslims to kill enemies of Islam.


Prime Minister John Howard has said he believes activities of those in Australia's mosques should be monitored, citing a need for the government to know if members of the Islamic community supported or taught violence.

"We have a right to know whether there is, within any section of the Islamic community, a preaching of the virtues of terrorism, whether any comfort or harbour is given to terrorism within that community," Howard told Australian radio earlier.
Read more at Always On Watch Two.

1 comment:

  1. isn't this insurrecion and treason:

    "Muslims who believe religious law should trump the nation's secular constitution "

    and shouldn't muslims who beliee this be deported?

    of course the basic problem is that they want TO IMPOSE this sharia on everyone.
