Wednesday, January 10, 2007


At long last, Ehud Olmert is about to receive something that's been coming to him for some time now: an investigation into his corrupt activities:
Channel 10 reported Tuesday evening that Attorney General Menachem Mazuz plans to instruct Israel Police to launch an investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert over three affairs to which he is allegedly connected. According to the report, the decision to open a criminal investigation was made during the investigation of alleged criminal conduct in the selling of Bank Leumi's majority shares.

Reports said that the prime minister, along with additional parties, allegedly committed criminal bribery offenses during the sale of the bank's shares in 2005. The allegations claim that Olmert, who was Minister of Finance at the time, apparently broke the law for two of his friends -- Daniel Abrams and Frank Louie -- with whom he conducted, directly and indirectly, a relationship which allegedly involved bribe. State Comptroller Justice Micha Lindenstrauss investigated the case and transferred his findings to Mazuz.
This is coming at a time when Ehud Olmert is visiting the still under Communist rule China. In other words, when he comes back, he's going to have to face a lot of much-deserved embarrassment.

Here's a few previous posts of mine that deal with his records of corrupt activities. And, here's a report from the Jerusalem Post, that tells about his very weak attempts to claim innocence. Sorry, Olmert, but I think you'd be better off admitting that you did something dishonest. I mean, a little honesty can't hurt, can it?

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