Wednesday, January 10, 2007


In a move that I think it is safe to say all of us here at the Astute Bloggers anticipated, Hugo Chavez has called for unlimited Presidential terms in Venezuela:
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was sworn in on Wednesday for a new six-year term that he vowed to use to press a radical socialist revolution including nationalizations that have roiled financial markets.

Emboldened by his landslide re-election win, the typically combative anti-U.S. leader has gone on the attack, deciding to strip a private opposition TV channel of its license and take over some major companies owned by foreign investors. "Fatherland, socialism or death -- I take the oath," Chavez said.

The man who calls Cuban President Fidel Castro his mentor changed tradition by draping the presidential sash from his left shoulder instead of his right in what he says is a symbol of his socialist credentials.

...he wants to amend the constitution to let presidents seek an indefinite number of consecutive terms.

Chavez, president since 1999, made the comments when he was sworn in for a new six-year term on Wednesday. The constitution currently allows two consecutive terms, which would make this his last. Chavez said: "We are writing the proposed reform on indefinite presidential re-election. If the majority of the people reject it, I will be the first to applaud that. The important thing is that the people will make the decision."

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