Saturday, January 27, 2007


“When we walk away from global warming, Kyoto, when we are irresponsibly slow in moving toward AIDS in Africa, when we don’t advance and live up to our own rhetoric and standards, we set a terrible message of duplicity and hypocrisy,” Kerry said.
(1) Kerry voted AGAINST Kyoto.

(But perhaps that's when he was against it - before he was for it!?!?!?!)

When Kerry talks about duplicity and hypocrisy he is PROJECTING his own sins, his own crimes. And he deliberately LIED today about these two matters (among many other LIES and DISTORTIONS he uttered) in a way INTENDED to diminish the respect foreigners might have for the USA. Kerry is actively encouraging others to hate the USA; he is promoting animosity by spreading vicious lies about Bush and US foreign policy. And his own record.

Kerry is a traitorous lying scumbag.
COMPLETE ROUND UP AT MEMEORANDUM. And if you have the stomach for it, then you can go HERE and probably read up on other rich left-wing scumbags who're overseas dissing the USA.!


  1. I guess now that he's out of the presidential race, he's decided to let it fly. What a complete disgrace this man is. I can't believe that I'm surprised by the depth that he has sunk, but I am. This is a man that but for the turn of one state in '04 could have been the leader of this country. That's just scary.

  2. later - when i get a chance to read his complete comments - i think i'll fisk them and shred this utterly traitorous scumbag.

    BTW: one of Kerry's comments - which i just watched over at HOT AIR - is EXACTLY the kind of enemy accommodating/appeasing commie-loving mutlilaterialist eurocentric crap his old man believed in and wrote about in the 1990's after a LONG career in the State department, and I am SURE that this view PERMEATES if not dominates State and the CIA.
