Saturday, January 27, 2007


Thanks to Bill Clinton, we've learned from the MSM/Driveby Media that lying is a good thing, as well as blowing your stack in an interview.

Now with the news that the second-coming of our Lord, Barack Obama, is a smoker, we can expect smoking to make a huge comeback and to be cool once again. James Lileks puts it in perspective: (Hat tip: QandO)
Obama is a smoker. Who knew? I like the way this story raises the issue – they’re concerned about the effect on his voice if he stops smoking, don’t you see. Hah! I’m waiting for the candid shot of Obama having a smoke – if he’s in a good suit, giving off that Rat Pack vibe, it’ll set the anti-smoking cause back ten years. It's he's wearing a fedora, which would add a jazzman / forties twist, I see a fifty-state sweep. Or maybe not. Given how cigarette smoking has become a moral issue, it’ll be interesting to see how this gets played. A humanizing frailty? A surprising character flaw? DID HE SMOKE AROUND CHILDREN? Doesn't matter; the more I look at this fellow, the more I see a fifty state sweep.

Reliapundit adds: the nanny-state crowd - which hates Big Tobacco as much as they hate Big Oil and Big Pharma and Big Walmart - will give their favorite new stud a pass. Hypocrisy is okay, as far as the Left is concerned, as long as you blame industry and consumption for man-made global warming, support socialized healthcare, support raising taxes on the other guy behind the tree, and support subverting US foreign policy and US national security to the UN. (Hating the Second Amendment and not giving a damn about illegal immigration will also get you a pass.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear this. I love cigars, which one does not inhale. But, of course, even though one doesn't inhale cigar smoke, of course, the anti-smoking hysteria has blown the way of cigars as well.

    I wonder what Barack Obama smokes? The hookah? I wonder if McCoy knows.

    Because, if he does, then that means he's Muslim, and if he's Muslims, that means he's not as strong or smart as the Jews, you know.
