Sunday, December 10, 2006

UN: "'man-made' global warming not as bad as we thought..."

TELEGRAPH: UN downgrades man's impact on the climate
Mankind has had less effect on global warming than previously supposed, a United Nations report on climate change will claim next year. The IPCC has been forced to halve its predictions for sea-level rise by 2100, one of the key threats from climate change. It says improved data have reduced the upper estimate from 34 in to 17 in.

It also says that the overall human effect on global warming since the industrial revolution is less than had been thought, due to the unexpected levels of cooling caused by aerosol sprays, which reflect heat from the sun.
The article quotes a lot of eco-nutsie scientists who then go on to argue that things are really bad anyway - or will be in another 50 years or 100 years, or so, but that's all a lot of CONJECTURE. The facts remain: things ain't gonna be as bad as these AL Gore-type eco-nutsies were HYSTERICALLY CLAIMING AS RECENTLY LAST YEAR. Which is why I wish all the eco-nutsies would take a deep, CO2-filled breath and STFU.

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