Sunday, December 10, 2006


Lebanon's President Emile Lahoud has formally rejected a cabinet proposal to create a tribunal to try suspects in the killing of former PM Rafik Hariri. The pro-Syrian leader said the cabinet had already lost its legitimacy when it passed the decree calling for the UN-backed tribunal last month. Mr Lahoud has regarded the cabinet as unconstitutional since Shia ministers and their allies resigned last month. A UN inquiry has implicated Syria in Mr Hariri's assassination last year. Syria has denied the allegation.

Mr Lahoud had said he would reject the decree to form a tribunal the day after the cabinet passed it. A statement issued by the president's office on Saturday said he had returned the draft to cabinet "for reviewing as soon as a constitutional and legitimate cabinet is formed".

Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's cabinet is expected to seek parliament's approval for the plan, even though it does not have the president's signature.
If Bush had balls, then the next sound you'd hear would be the sound of Assad's ass being blown to Kingdom come. SURE: there'd be chaos in Syria. SO WHAT!? It's like all those Sunnis killing Shias in Iraq: SO WHAT: IT'S A SELF CLEANING OVEN: THEY'RE KILLING EACH OTHER, SO WE DON'T HAVE TO! Sort of like the Iran-Iraq War - to which Kissinger said, "Too bad they BOTH can't lose!"

Too bad Bush is seemingly a wimp, and will probably let Rice and the next UN Ambassador go through the kabuki dance which is the UNSC. Which means a confrontation is STILL months away, months during which the enemy gets stronger and our resolve weakens. So, while the clock ticks, Bush seems content to keep his eye on the calendar. I'M FLABBERGHASTED AND FRUSTRATED! Stay tuned... (More HERE at JP/AP.)

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