Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Of all the hubris shown by the bureaucratic, statist left, none is more shocking or more shattering than its insistence on destroying the human family.

Whether it is Hillary Clinton inventing her own pseudo-African proverb to proclaim that "villages" rather than mothers and fathers provide the best model of child-rearing, or the Spanish socialist government decreeing that birth certificates will specify "Progenitor A" and "Progenitor B" rather than "Mother" and "Father," the statist left has since the time of Plato sought to replace the family with itself.

The Washington Post published an anguished, heartfelt essay today that gives the lie to the left's blithe assurances that families are only an impediment to utopia.

A student at Gallaudet University courageously writes about her experiences growing up as the daughter of a single mother and an anonymous sperm donor.

When my mother eventually got married, I didn't get along with her husband. For so long, it had been just the two of us, my mom and I, and now I felt like the odd girl out. When she and I quarreled, this new man in our lives took to interjecting his opinion, and I didn't like that. One day, I lost my composure and screamed that he had no authority over me, that he wasn't my father -- because I didn't have one.

That was when the emptiness came over me. I realized that I am, in a sense, a freak. I really, truly would never have a dad. I finally understood what it meant to be donor-conceived, and I hated it.

There is no way for a mere blogger like me to do justice to this heart-rending and yet inspiring story. Go. Read. The. Whole. Thing. Now.

1 comment:

  1. The Spanish socialists are like King Canute on the beach.

    They can put anything they want on a birth certificate.

    But every child does have a mother and a father.

    That isn't antiquated social tradition, it's biology!

    Great post.
