Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Methodists can hate Christmas too!

In Britain, the Methodists are the country's fastest shrinking denomination (Pentecostalists are the fastest growing). I would not be surprised if at least some American Methodist groups are in similar trouble.

The Southern Methodist University does at least seem to be in a pickle. It appears to have switched its loyalty to the Left rather than to Christ. And you can see a revealing symptom of that right in the middle of its current home page. On its home page it boasts that its library has acquired a rare copy (from the 1800s) of the first mass-produced Christmas card ever printed.

So it shows a picture of the card, right? Wrong! It shows only a tiny cut-out of the card -- a cut-out designed so that the the word "Merry" is shown but "Christmas" is deleted! Must not publicly mention the name of that dead white Jewish male who founded the faith 2,000 years ago in Palestine!

There was of course plenty of room on the front page for the full card had they wanted to show it. And for something over 100 years old, copyright was not an issue. [Note: they do show the full card in the article. Editor]

They're not even Christians, let alone Methodists! John Wesley would be amazed. No wonder real Christians are deserting "Methodists" like that.


  1. ONE CAN ONLY AGREE WITH YOU WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Ever since I realised my Mum was a Methodist, she has been shrinking progressively. (or maybe I've grown up, but this is highly debatable). Keep up the good work on behalf of your fellow religious lunatics worldwide.

  2. peter: ur vomments never fail to amuze me. idiot. non-sequitors which prove u miss the piint entirely.

    methodists like episcoplas and other churhes/christian sects which have dwindling membership rolls are top effin PC and not religious enough. they care more about PC and PR than the basic tenets of their faith, and this is part of the reason they have declinign memberships.

    pentecostalism is growing because it is unabshedly a religious religion.

    can that obvious FACT get through your thick snide numbskull!?

  3. Dear Reliapundit. When are you going to learn to spell? btw fanatical islamic sects are growing equally fast. Is this also down to the FACT that they are unabashedly religious? Incidentally, it's good to see you've been reading Timothy Garton Ash

  4. i can spell. it's typing that i have no patience for.

    those drawn to fanaticism want more then a religous religion. that's why they're calle fanatics. idiot.

    the pope is not a fanatic. he merly follows the rules.

    methodists are fabatical abiout being PC and it is destroyingh their sect. by attrition. like the anglicans/epicospals etc.

    BTW: i rwsd ash and the nytomes and jimmy carter. i am INFORMED. try it one day.

  5. perhaps if you took your time to read what i actually said, then you would note that I didnt suggest the pope was a fanatic.

    fa·nat·ic (fə-năt'ĭk)
    A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

    You will see from the above dictionary definition that its perfectly possible to be fanatical and yet non-religious (ie obsessed by something else)

    I too am informed, but have come up with entirely different opinions based on the evidence put before me. Not all your political opponents are the crooks/idiots/traitors etc that you make them out to be. bfn.

  6. nothing in you defintion contradicts anything i posted.

    religioisity and fanatcism are separate.

    do don't conflate them.

    you conflated them.

    folks leaving methodism to join pentecostal churches want more religion not more fanaticism.

    ahmadinejad and his ilk are a fanaticists.

    the methodist are watering down their church to the point of removing any reson for being in it.

    hence the FACt that they are evaporating.
