Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Millions of people killed, wholesale violation of basic, civil and human rights, the degradation of the individual. I find it astonishing that there are still communists in this world. Apparently, it is only those that have lived under the communist jackboot that recognize its affront on nature and humanity:
President of Romania denounces Soviet era

President Traian Basescu of Romania on Monday formally condemned the Communist dictatorship that ruled his country for more than four decades, the first time a Romanian head of state had officially denounced the Soviet-era system.
This reinforces my belief that as Western Europe and the EU slouch leftward - toward more statism and islamification - those in Eastern Europe, who still remember what a real tyranny is, will become our best allies in the West. RTWT.

BTW: The Pope could still yet play a major role in WW4, as JPII did in WW3:
Again and again, people told us that it was. John Paul II's 1979 trip was the fulcrum of revolution which led to the collapse of Communism. Timothy Garton Ash put it this way, "Without the Pope, no Solidarity. Without Solidarity, no Gorbachev. Without Gorbachev, no fall of Communism." (In fact, Gorbachev himself gave the Kremlin's long-term enemy this due, "It would have been impossible without the Pope.") It was not just the Pope's hagiographers who told us that his first pilgrimage was the turning point. Skeptics who felt Wojtyla was never a part of the resistance said everything changed as John Paul II brought his message across country to the Poles. And revolutionaries, jealous of their own, also look to the trip as the beginning of the end of Soviet rule.

It took time; it took the Pope's support from Rome--some of it financial; it took several more trips in 1983 and 1987. But the flame was lit. It would smolder and flicker before it burned from one end of Poland to the other. Millions of people spread the revolution, but it began with the Pope's trip home in 1979. As General Jaruzelski said, "That was the detonator."
EUROPE NEEDS A NEW DETONATOR. Sarkozy? Benedict? Whoever... only: Faster please!


  1. Interesting blog the information here is a bit different. Well I am off to my blog to blog about more positive things in life.


  2. ..
    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe thinks
    communism is SUPER

    even though it never works
    because we are not robots

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe feels
    communism is fair

    fools can't or won't think it through
    idiots just keep scheming
