Sunday, December 24, 2006


I guess desperate women WANT to believe that massaging yourself with grape residue makes you look younger. It mainly seems to be a pseudo-scientific racket for getting tourists into Italian hotels. I can find no research that even attempts to support it. A typical blurb below:
"ISHI VinoTherapy introduces an innovative, delicious way to enjoy the benefits of lush, organic Mediterranean grapes - the Tono di Vino Body Treatment. Grapes, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids, fight free radicals to nourish tone and invigorate the skin. This new Italian salon and spa treatment is the ultimate way to feed the skin with fruits of the Mediterranean.

The 2 hour sensory massage therapy begins with a herbal tea infused with dried red grapevine leaves. The antioxidant-rich drink purifies and cleanses the body from within. After the relaxing, healing tea, the body is gently massaged with Grape Must and Lavender Honey Exfoliating Scrub. The Scrub, rich in natural fruit acids as well as alpha and beta hydroxyl-acids, delicately exfoliates and tones the skin...
Reliapundit adds: Hmm ... Wishful thinking reinforced by hands-on feel-good actions of demonstrably limited benefit. Sounds a lot like both the appeasement and global-warming policies of the Left!

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