Sunday, December 24, 2006


No sooner do Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas have an appeasement meeting, more rockets are fired at the Negev:
Palestinian terrorists have fired an average of two Kassams each day since the ceasefire went into effect - usually while children are going to school. ... Over the Sabbath weekend, three rockets were fired towards Sderot and the Negev, causing extensive damage to a bank and apartment building. One person was lightly hurt by shrapnel, and five were treated for shock. [...]

Residents in Sderot reacted with outrage to Olmert's gift last night of $100 million in tax revenues to Abu Mazen. "It would be more appropriate for the Prime Minister to rebuild trust with the residents of Sderot and the Negev than to give presents to terrorists in Gaza," said Alon Davidi, the head of the local Sderot struggle committee, told the NRG website. MK Eldad: Olmert is a collaborator. [...]

Alon Shuster, head of the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council, sharply attacked the government's inaction. "The escalation is expected any minute, yet the government is detached from reality and is leaving thousands of residents without protection," he said.
Or better yet, he could simply show some honesty by resigning, and showing that recognizes that he's failed.

UPDATE/Reliapundit - YNET:
The western Negev saw the 51st Qassam Sunday morning to land since the beginning of the ceasefire, and those in Jerusalem have begun to lose patience. “A comprehensive, unequivocal attack should be considered, with an emphasis on terror heads” Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz said during a cabinet meeting Sunday regarding Israel’s restrain policy. “It isn’t enough to attack those firing Qassams. We have to protect Sderot and the Negev,” he added, and called for a decision “as soon as possible”.

Also during the government meeting, Defense Minister Amir Peretz said that there were situations in which IDF soldiers identify Qassam cells before any are launched, but refrain from acting against them. Shin Bet Chief Yuval Diskin confirmed the information upon request of another minister.

Peretz presented estimates by security sources, which showed it was not sure that the restraint actually served moderate source in the Palestinian Authority well. The defense minister added that the restrain may actually play into the hands of those who were “proud to shoot at Israel ."
Appeasement only emboldens the enemy. They must be dealt with as Mofaz says.

More HERE and HERE. More here from Israel Matsav.

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