Friday, November 24, 2006


Reports that Russia is exporting anti-aircraft missiles to Iran highlights the fact that the global struggle against anti-libertarian forces continues - and time is not on our side.

The struggle involves various configurations of alliances who are caring for their own global interests through the use of proxies. In this complex constellation of alliances it is sometimes difficult to judge who our true allies are. [Reliapundit adds: YES: An ally in one region is a competitor or a foe in another.]

Russia is interested in continued tension in the ME because that supports the price of their oil and gas. [Reliapundit adds: YES: And anyhting which ties down the USA intrinsically opens up things for Russian hegemony.] The Chinese, like the Russians, want to knock the US off the podium. We know the intentions of the Islamic Fundamentalists.

And whether or not the islamofascists are being supported by the North Koreans, the Chinese, or the Russians, I see no reason to delay decisive preemptive action directly or through our own proxies.

[Reliapundit: RIGHT ON! ALSO: Note that Putin's hegemonist Russia is killing journalists left and right, and just assassinated - with a rare radioactive substance, in London, a former Russian spy who had just defected. Russia is playing hardball; we should too: We should probably assassinate Kim Jong Il, Ahmadinejad, al Sadr and Assad.]

1 comment:

  1. did you see they found the same radioactive stuff at the Sushi Bar - ITSU - he was supposedly poisoned at.

    what do you think itsu stands for: internation terror soviet union?
