Friday, November 24, 2006


We in the West generally believe certain sites are off limits for violent action: religious sites, schools, hospitals etc. In Iraq this is certainly not the case, as mosques are frequently targeted in the spiraling sectarian violence.

What could possibly bring an end to this violence? A strong Iraqi authority, or an external enemy? The problem is which enemy will the sunni and shia agree upon? Iran? NO: more likely the USA and the Zionists!

UPDATE: BBC: Mosques torched

A Sunni area in the once-mixed Hurriyah neighbourhood came under attack on Friday when gunmen rampaged through the area, setting four mosques and several houses alight.



  1. good point: the moozlims certainly target mosques, why shouldn't we.

    we should target ther fanatical ones.

    as i have blogged many times before: bombing these fanatical mosques and fanatical madrassas would be exactly like bombing nazi BOMB FACTORIES during WW2. after all, these fanatical mosques and fanatical madrassas are where suicide bombers get their zeal/training/purpose etc.

    i think wec an end most of the global jihad by neutralizng iran.

    alsdo: remeber that sectarian strife between sunnis and shias is 1400 yeasr old.

    and on that level nothing will stop it ... short if converting them to christianity.

  2. I am not advocating that we attack mosques - just pointing out that nothing is off limits to the murderous terrorists - not even their own holy sites...
