Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Jihadists aren't born; they're trained. In mosques and madrassas and first and foremost in the home. The home is the primary place a child is soclialized and learns the expected and acceptable norms of behavior.

Many Arab and Muslim homes are ones in which there is rampant misogyny - evidenced by SANCTIONED honor-killings, wife-beatings, forced marriage (often consanguinous), and polygamy. (Today's installment of the continuing horrors of being a woman under Islam HERE - via Prairie Pundit. Another horrific case of honor killing HERE.)

If a boy learns in his home that it is okay for his father to beat his mother (and his half-brother's mothers, too), and kill his sisters - his own flesh and blood, members of his own race and believers in his own creed, then OF COURSE he is going to think it's just fine'n dandy to commit terror against infidels.

The civilized world should unite and demand that all nations enact and enforce laws which end these barbaric practices. Nations which don't should be shunned, and banned from the UN and prevented from getting any benefical loans or trade arrangements. We should no more accept nations which permit these dehumanizing practices, then accept nations which permit SLAVERY!

Fostering democracy, transparency, and free markets is one way to end to the alienation, the ignorance and poverty under which islamism thrives, but democratization will fail as long as these nations are permitted to continue to raise dysfunctional men in dysfunctional homes ruled by these barbaric practices. MORE HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.

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