Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Despite all the hype about embryonic stem cell research from the Democrats and the main-cloaca-media, it is somatic stem cell research that is providing hope for medical breakthroughs.

In Italy, a team of scientists at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute of Milan report the successful treatment of a genetic form of muscular dystrophy in Golden Retrievers with somatic stem cells derived from normal circulating cells.
Working with the University of Pavia and the Veterinarian School of Macon Alfort in Paris, Prof Cossu's team transplanted cells called mesoangioblasts — stem cells gathered from small blood vessels in muscle — that are programmed to develop into muscle cells.

The cells came from healthy dogs and were multiplied in the laboratory to sufficient quantities. These were injected into the blood stream of dogs with the disease and their immune systems were suppressed to stop the stem cells from being rejected.

These were not embryonic stem cells, and the adult dog donors were not permanently injured in any way.

Dr Peter Wigmore, of Nottingham University, said: "The importance of this result is not only in providing a potential cure for a currently incurable condition but also in the use of relatively easy to isolate adult stem cells.

"The use of these cells avoids the controversial use of embryonic or foetal stem cells. In addition, the relatively easy delivery of these cells via the blood stream makes this a viable method to treat humans."

As in this case, most of the successful research involving stem cells to date has involved somatic stem cells, not embryonic stem cells.

1 comment:

  1. the Left continues to push embryonic stem cells ONLY because it fits nicely with their abortion stance.

    there ius N O scientific reason to push for ESC.

    but because the Dems love abortions, there's a huge political payoff.

    IOW: ESC is pure demagoguery - like the Dems stance on Soc Sec and Iraq troop reductions. and so muich else.
