Monday, November 20, 2006


The newest religion textbook for Danish 5th graders, entitled Christianity and Us, implies that all terrorists are muslim by equating terrorism with Islam. More developments later... UPDATE: Publisher retracts textbook after widespread criticism.
UPDATE II: "Its worse than the muhammed charicatures" - islamic orgasnistion threatens publisher with civil suit.

Reliapundit adds:
BBC: German officials say they have uncovered a terrorist plot to blow up a passenger plane in Germany. Several suspects allegedly approached a contact in the summer who had special access to a restricted airport zone. The plan was to plant explosives in a piece of luggage, investigators said, without giving further details. One of those arrested on Friday remains in custody in connection with another investigation, the officials said.
Er um... do you think there's a chance that these terrorists are Muslim? And why Germany!? They have NO troops in Iraq and perped the Holocaust - should get them a pass from Muslim fanatics, no!? SURE: Unless global jihad is NOT a reaction to Iraq or Jews but a proactive plan to reinstate a global Caliphate under sharia - a sort of hegemonic islamofascism. GEE: Ya think?! And do these horrifying photos of Muslims in INDONESIA proudly displaying the heads from freshly decapitated Christians have nothing to do with Islam!? Is being Christian a crime worthy of decapitation without a trial and with no appeals?! Sheesh. Denial comes in many flavors. Denying that Islam has ALWAYS bred terror and spread terror - and is doing so now, GLOBALLY, at an unprecendented level - is among the most tasteless. ALl it does it make it more likely the islamofanatics will win, by reducing our fortitude and focus.


  1. why did they release 5 of them? to follow them to the nest?

    btw those pictures from indonesia remind me of Fallujah. They deserve another tsunami

  2. the target to the terror plot was an El Al airplane...
