Monday, November 20, 2006


BBC: Disabled children 'short-changed' -
The charity says 250,000 children are waiting for equipment -

Disabled and terminally-ill children are going without vital equipment as the NHS and councils are not providing enough funding, research shows. BDF Newlife, formerly the Birth Defects Foundation, found the bodies spent just £60 a year per child - leaving 250,000 children waiting for equipment. The charity said children under two need £7,000 of specialist equipment, including beds and wheelchairs.

NHS bosses said attempts were being made to improve the issue.
It gets worse: The NHS which can't give handicapped kids what they need due to money shortages, is "stealing" funds from the education of doctors! HERE:
Medical education and training in England are increasingly coming under threat from financial instability in the NHS, with possible consequences for patient care, the BMA has warned. ...Targets for the cuts include funding for junior doctors' study leave which allows them to attend courses required for their training, and academic posts in medical schools, which could result in doctors being made redundant.

In a letter to Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, published recently, the BMA's Junior Doctors Committee calls on funding for study leave to be restored, warning that patients will receive a lower standard of care if doctors do not have access to the training that the budget funds.
And Hillary and Pelosi want YOU to have this kind of care! They say, "for the COMMON GOOD," of course - and add crap like "healthcare that benefits the patients and not the pharmaceuticals" - which is all a bunch of socialist code-words and Democrat demagoguery. IOW: Leftist BS! Don't believe them! What they simply stand for is socialism at home and appeasement abroad. And that's simply recipe for disaster on all fronts.

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