Thursday, October 26, 2006


In another interesting court case, it was found that the blunt, ceremonial knife carried by Sikhs - called a kirpan - could not be carried in public in Denmark. (The knife symbolises that the bearer is "is committed to righteously defend the fine line of the Truth."). The Danish government has recently tightened laws regarding bearing knives, in the most part because groups of youths of "other ethnic origin" have been on the prowl - especially in urban areas at night, near discos, bars etc - and in many cases against women.

Well, I suppose you have to draw the line somewhere: we wouldn't want a new religious sect carrying AK-47's around the streets, now would we? (I think we have already seen this sect in Baghdad!)

I don't know who the state feels they're protecting by separating a Sikh from his kirpan - his sword, when clearly there are more dangerous rabble rousers on the loose, "armed" with just words - the Koran. I guess attacking the core problem is still too un-PC.

Meanwhile, a leading Muslim expert in Islamic thought - who is in fact the highest ranking Muslim cleric in Australia - doesn't blame knives or guns when this type of violence is directed against women; he doesn't even blame the perpetrators; he blames the female victims. Sheesh.

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