Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Massachusetts Governor (and presidential candidate) Mitt Romney had the line of the year the other day at one of his press conferences. A reporter was asking a very long winded question about tolls on the Massachusetts Turnpike which was filled with Democrat Party talking-points. Romney finally asked sarcastically, but with good humor, if the reporter had a point of view. The reporter replied that he just represented the people. "No," Romney shot back, "I represent the people, you represent the media." Video here.

And that really says it all, doesn't it. The media is supposed to represent the people, but it doesn't. It may have once - in its infancy, but no longer. Now it exists only to help liberals and socialists amass power. I know I've said it a number of times, but it's worth repeating: This election is going to be a big, big test to see just how much power the MSM/Driveby Media still has. If the Republicans hold on to the House and Senate, it won't just be the Democrat Party that loses, but also the MSM, (which has worked tirelessly for years to convince the public that Iraq is a lost cause, the economy is terrible, gas prices are a plot, all Republicans are racists, and on and on and on).

Don't let them get away with it.

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