Sunday, September 17, 2006

Synagogue Attacked in Norway

Shots were fired at a synagogue in central Oslo early on Sunday and police said they were investigating whether the incident was linked to religious hatred. ... "It seems some of the shots hit the synagogue,'' said Bjoern Christian Joergensen, a police spokesman. Asked if the shooting was connected to religious intolerance, he said: "We are keeping all options open and investigating this possibility."

The Mosaic Religious Community, which owns the synagogue, had asked for better protection of its property following threats and after the site was vandalised in early August. ... "This is the last in a series of incidents this summer whose purpose, it seems, is to scare us," Anne Sender, the leader of the Mosaic Religious Community, told Reuters. She said Oslo had an active Jewish community of around 800 members and the same number of non-practising Jews.
There are nearly 50,000 Muslims in Norway. And 1600 JOOOOOOOOOOZE. And the PC police haven't a clue if this incident was anti-Semitic - or who might've done it. Sheesh. They're dhimmi scum.


  1. I believe dhimmi is the wrong term: dimwit is more like it.
