Saturday, September 16, 2006

ISLAMIC REACTION TO POPE'S STATEMENT: "No truth please, we're brutish."

Benedict didn't give them hell; he just told them the truth, and they just think it's hell.

Dalrymple (on the cartoon riots, but it is applicable here, as well):
The supposition that the kind of people who call publicly for beheadings, or tell Europe to prepare itself for the real holocaust (the connection between Muslim extremism and Holocaust denial being a very strong one), will feel placated by a few expressions of sympathy for their supposedly offended feelings is psychologically preposterous and demonstrably false empirically. It is the reductio ad absurdum of the Clintonian propensity to feel other people’s pain as a substitute for a policy.

At some point, we shall have to confront the threat directly, unapologetically and vigorously. If we don’t, it will be our own pain that we shall feel, not the pain of other people. And, in a sense, we shall have got what we asked for.
Bush (and Olmert) have been way too easy on these islamofascists. REPEAT: they do not warrant apologies; they need a real ass-kicking, and then a force-feeding of a big can of STFU.

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