Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said on Wednesday that Hezbollah's continued detention of Israeli soldiers violated the Security Council resolution, and that Lebanon must act to release them unconditionally. "UN Security Council Resolution 1701, on which the cease-fire is based, calls unequivocally for an unconditional and immediate release of the soldiers being held hostage," he said.

"The continued holding of our soldiers is a grave violation of the cease-fire. A continuation of this violation will have consequences."
What will the consequencs be if there is a "buffer zone" populated with third party nations between the IDF and Hizballah? How might the IDF attack? I don't know. Will they ask that sanctions be placed on Lebanon and that all the aid money pledged to rebuild the shia south of Lebanon be put on hold? Probably this is the next move.

And at what point will Bush and Condi apply the same policy to Lebanon as it did to Afghanistan? We told the Taliban to give up al Qaeda or else. We should tell the same thing (more or less) to the Lebanese government: disarm Hizballah, and return the hostages, ... OR ELSE.

We should have one policy regarding states which harbor terrorists. Either a nation is with us or against us. If the Lebanese government won't disarm Hizballah and get the IDF soldiers released, then they should placd under sanctions and then - if that fails - bear the full brunt of an IDF and US military response.

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