Wednesday, September 06, 2006


UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has decided to appoint his former special adviser Lakhdar Brahimi to mediate a possible agreement for swapping Lebanese prisoners in return for freeing the reservists Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, The Jerusalem Post has learned. Brahimi recently publicly expressed his support for talking directly with Hizbullah.
YUP: Lakhdar is BAD GUY: he's a cronie of Korrupt Kofi. He favors negotiating with jihadoterrorists, and he's an anti-Semite who once bragged that he had never shaken the hand of a JEW, and called Sharon a TERRORIST. And, his daughter was a correspondant in CNN's discredited (pro-Saddam) Baghdad bureau. And he played a terrible role in post-war iraq. AND OH YEAH: he thought it was fine to over-throw jihadis in his own country (Algeria, but not elsewhere) - which makes him nothing but a hypocrite. More on this s---bag HERE.

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