Sunday, August 13, 2006


Britain's Al-Qaeda leader seized

SECURITY sources believe that a man arrested in last week’s anti- terror raids in Britain is Al-Qaeda’s leader in this country.

Home Office officials say that one of those arrested is suspected not only of masterminding the foiled plot to bring down up to nine transatlantic airliners, but also of involvement in other planned atrocities over the past few years.

They believe that he was instrumental in sending the ringleader of at least one previous British terror plot for training at a camp in Pakistan last year. He is described by counter-terrorist officials at MI5 as the senior figure in a British terror network involving Kashmiri, north African and Iraqi cells.
Lefties in the USA believe that this airline-bombing plot and the arrests are a hoax devised by Rove to help the GOP win the 2006 elections. If there are any arrests here you can bet your last dollar the Left/ACLU/NLG/CCR will defend them in court.

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