Sunday, August 13, 2006


Three Arab-Muslim American Jihadis were arrested in the USA with hundreds of disposable cellphones deliberately purchased in a way to coverup the big buy.


JUST AS I PREDICTED (in January, 2006). (More here; key excerpt:
ALL of these large sales came RIGHT AFTER the NYTIMES NSA leak (12/15/05). Though this is circumstantial, it is HIGHLY SUGGESTIVE that the leak alerted the sleeper cells HERE (and perhaps elsewhere), and that they are adapting their SOP's as a result; thus, they are making it tougher for us to prevent an attack.

The jihdoterrorists might now each be using a series of phones (each only once or twice) to communicate with other jihadoterrorists who are also using a series of disposable phones - each only once or twice. All they have to do is tell their comrade which cellphone number to use next. NOW HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET WARRANTS ON THAT!? It's impossible. Which is why it's ABOSLUTELY necessary for the POTUS, as CinC, to use his Article II powers during wartime in order to get the foreign intelligence we need to DEFEND OURSELVES.

By exposing the NSA intercept program, the leakers and their comrades at the NYTIMES have CONFIRMED valuable information to the enemy, alerted the enemy to the information, and NOW - AS A RESULT - the enemy has adjusted. Therefore, the leakers and the NYTIMES have endangered the lives OF MILLIONS of Americans, and our entire economy and also the world's economy (which after all depends on the US economy). They should ALL be charged, tried, convicted, and executed for TREASON.)
Today's news, (Two More Muslims Arrested With 200 Cell Phones), is more proof that the NYTIMES hurt our national security BIGTIME when they disclosed the NSA Surveillance Progam. I believe more than ever that Pinch and Keller should be charged, tried, convicted and executed for treason.

Thanks for the HOT AIR Link!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately we are too civilized to charge, try, convict, torture, and then execute for treason.

    Keller obviously would have leaked the details of D-Day to the Nazis.

    If you permit, please see my post The Woman behind New York Times SWIFT Leak
