Friday, July 07, 2006

IRAN GOES FROM "CHEAT AND RETREAT" TO "AGREE'N FLEE" - while, the USA and the EU3 are "stuck on stupid"

Regimes which commit genocide against their own people (and BTW: it's no coincidence they're all always tyrannical) - regimes like that of Saddam or Kimjongil or Hitler, for example - can NEVER EVER be trusted or negotiated with by other nations. It's just STUPID.

The Iranian mullahs are no different.

They're making sweet kissie-face noises today - but this is just another delaying ploy. I'll dub it "agree'n flee." (They might only be trying to buy enough time to get to 8/22/06 - a date which "corresponds to Rajab 27 on the Muslim calendar. The date is called Lailat Al Israa.")

Instead of this whole entire dumbass IAEA/UNSCR charade/dance, we should be AGGRESSIVELY fomenting regime change in Iran - as we've done elsewhere.

Continuing doing what we've been doing with Iran - (and Syria, for that matter) - is nothing more than being STUCK ON STUPID.

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