Monday, June 05, 2006


Americans are in a sour mood, a mood that may be explained by the lack of a sense of history. The military struggle in Iraq (nearly 2,500 military deaths) is spoken of in as dire terms as Vietnam (58,219), Korea (54,246) or World War II (405,399). We bemoan the cruel injustice of $3 a gallon for gas in a country where three-quarters of people classified as poor have air conditioning and microwave ovens. We complain about a tide of immigration that is, per U.S. resident, running at one-third the rate of 99 years ago.

George W. Bush has a better sense of history.
In a post below I explain why I think so many are in a sour mood - I blame the MSM's BLANKET negativity going allthe back to "Gore V. Bush."

But I think some ADDITIONAL historical perspective is in order. Let me put it this way: JUST HOW STUPID IS THE VIETNAM-IRAQ ANALOGY THE LEFTIE DOVES USE ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME!? It's NOT just the fact that the Iraq War casualty rate is miniscule compared to Vietnam - and EVERY previous war. It's this:

When I was young and a dove and a Leftie - (and wrong about just about everything!) - I protested the Vietnam War. Let's say it was... 1970. PKAY?! Well, back in 1970 WW2 seemed like ancient history to us: no jets; no UN; no color movies, (well: not many!); no TV - you get the idea: THE WORLD HAD CHANGED ENORMOUSLY IN THE 25 YEARS between the end of WW2 and 1970.

WELL... Vietnam was MORE than 25 years ago! YUP: that means that WW2 was more temporally proximate to 1970 than Vietnam is to us today. But it's more than just the years: The world has changed more since Vietnam than between WW2 and Vietnam, and it continues to change at an evermore rapid pace, too. IOW: WW2 was more relevant to Vietnam than Vietnam could possibly be to Iraq. And WW2 wasn't very relevant to Vietnam.

WW2 and VIETNAM are ONLY RELEVANT to Iraq ON THIS LEVEL: In all THREE wars the USA defended democracy and liberty and fought against totalitarianists.

VIETNAM IS ONLY RELEVANT TO IRAQ ON ONE OTHER LEVEL: If given the chance the Dems/doves will do the same thing to the Iraqis (and perhaps the Afghanis) that they did to the South Vietnamese: ABANDON THEM TO TOTALITARIANISM.

If you support democracy and self-government for all peoples of the world, then vote GOP.

If you support Binladen, totalitarianism, appeasement and isolationism, then vote Democrat.

The choice is yours.


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    The Vietnam memoirs of such as Kissinger show the US ruling class,including of course,many Republicans, was quite aware years before the formal exit, the Vietnam War was not going to be "won." Many years of continued
    war enacted so the US could avoid losing as much face as possible, cost the lives of many more boys in a losing cause.

    Iraq is Vietnam redux unless Murtha
    and company can hasten the exit.

  2. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Anonymous, you left out the fact that Kennedy, a Democrat, started U.S. involvement in Vietnam, Johnson, another Democrat, escalated the involvement after the Tonkin Gulf incident. Nixon, a Republican, got the troops out but not after many died because of prior mistakes of the previous administrations. Murtha whines to damn hard to be taken seriously. Need to add that the fallout of the Vietnam War included the creation of Pathet Lao, the rise of the Khmer Rouge, eventually resulting in the Killing Fields.

    You may say that those are unintended consequences, maybe so. Such unintended consequences are still huge.

    Try this, next time if you run into a Viet, a Khmer or a Lao over 35, tell them that John Kerry, a Democrat, help ended the Vietnam War. He even negotiated with the North vietnamese.

    Pray that those you will be speaking to is not a Hmong, a Nung or a Montangard, they might get a little upset.

    Icepick the Mad!
